Dresden Files Accelerated Edition Playtest! Session 05


This is the fifth episode of our Dresden Files Accelerated Edition (DFAE) Playtest game. If you want a little more information about the characters and the situation you’re hearing about in this episode, please listen to the other DFAE Playtest recordings available on this blog.  Once again we seem to have had a sound quality issue.  My microphone or my recording program dropped the volume down a lot about 5 minutes into the session.  I don’t know why.  I really apologize for the quality issues.  The session was really awesome so I’m doubly sad to have the quality be poor.  Please enjoy as much as you can.  At the time of writing this, I’m looking at a getting a new mic (or set of mics) for our future recordings as I recognize the need to have clearer audio going forward with this endeavor.  Thank you for your patients while we correct this technical flaw in our process.

Please Note:

The game you are listening to is still in the playtest phase of development.  Any rules or mechanics discussion you hear from us is not likely to be the final version of the game.  We present this game to you purely for your entertainment and for exposure of the rules for the publishers and authors of the game.  You can visit the publishers at evilhat.com.

I hope that you enjoy the show!  Thank you for listening.  Remember to always have fun!

-Colin and the Wednesday Night Game Group

Dresden Files Accelerated Edition Playtest! Session 04


This is the fourth episode of our Dresden Files Accelerated Edition (DFAE) Playtest game. If you want a little more information about the characters and the situation you’re hearing about in this episode, please listen to the other DFAE Playtest recordings available on this blog.  I also wanted to apologize about the sound quality in this episode.  There was a lot of cell phone interference during this game and as a result the raw had a lot of clicking in it.  I removed as much as possible, but the point at which I was able to completely remove the interference, there was no playable audio left.  Please forgive the nuisance of the clicking this time and I will do what I can to keep this issue at a minimum going forward.

Please Note:

The game you are listening to is still in the playtest phase of development.  Any rules or mechanics discussion you hear from us is not likely to be the final version of the game.  We present this game to you purely for your entertainment and for exposure of the rules for the publishers and authors of the game.  You can visit the publishers at evilhat.com.

I hope that you enjoy the show!  Thank you for listening.  Remember to always have fun!

-Colin and the Wednesday Night Game Group

Dresden Files Accelerated Edition Playtest! Session 03


This is the third episode of our Dresden Files Accelerated Edition (DFAE) Playtest game. If you want a little more information about the characters and the situation you’re hearing about in this episode, please listen to the other DFAE Playtest recordings available on this blog.

Please Note:

The game you are listening to is still in the playtest phase of development.  Any rules discussion you hear from us is not likely to be the final version of the game.  We present this game to you for your entertainment, but please understand that any rules or mechanics you hear us discussing are subject to change.

I hope that you enjoy the show!  Thank you for listening.  Remember to always have fun!

-Colin and the Wednesday Night Game Group

Dresden Files Accelerated Edition Playtest! Session 02


This is the second episode of our Dresden Files Accelerated Edition (DFAE) Playtest game. If you want a little more information about the characters and the situation you’re hearing about in this episode, please listen to the other DFAE Playtest recordings available on this blog.

Please Note:

The game you are listening to is still in the playtest phase of development.  Any rules discussion you hear from us is not likely to be the final version of the game.  We present this game to you for your entertainment, but please understand that any rules or mechanics you hear us discussing are subject to change.

I hope that you enjoy the show!  Thank you for listening.  Remember to always have fun!

-Colin and the Wednesday Night Game Group