The Witchlands. Session 0


I’m excited to bring to you a really awesome episode of our podcast that is, simultaneously, a one shot and something like a character creation session for the Witchlands.

My friends.  We’re playing Microscope tonight!

Now, any of you who are NOT familiar with Microscope, please go to, look it over, and consider buying a copy of this excellent game.  It’s “History Building: The Roleplaying Game.”  If you think that sounds boring, then you’ll have to listen to this episode to find out exactly how awesome it can be!

For those of you who are familiar with Microscope, you may realize the limitation that the audio medium brings to this particular game.  Since there are many note cards involved, and being able to see them is pretty important for gameplay, I have provided a solution by way of GingkoApp.  The link here is to our digital table where our “notecards” are spread out for our history. was not originally designed specifically to play Microscope, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t do one hell of a job letting you get this game organized online.  If you’re looking for a free, easy, and fast way to share space to play this game in over the internet, I highly recommend GingkoApp.

I do realize that you can see the whole history here when you open up the link.  New people, it won’t make any sense until you listen to the show.  Familiar people… I can’t keep the spoilers from you if you click the link.  It’s not a perfect solution, but it sure does go a long way towards letting you guys see what our table looked like at the end of everything.

To get to how this ties into our DnD game;

Matt, Kaetlyn and I played Microscope to set up the original DnD setting for the Witchlands early in 2015.  An overview of the history and a brief description of the events occurring in the game exists at the beginning of this episode.  You can either skip this primer and get right to the game of Microscope or you can listen to have context.

We make reference to our protagonists from the previous campaign a few times, the triumphant heroes of our Witchlands game past, Skoll and Ghira, during this recording.  Alex joined us to play Microscope this time around as he will be joining the ragtag group of adventurers that make up the party that Skoll and Ghira have been gathering.  In playing Microscope, all us players, Matt included, hope to gain context for our next arc in the DnD game.  Hold onto your hats folks.  It’s gonna be one hell of a trip!

I hope that you enjoy the show!  Thank you for listening.  Remember to always have fun!

-Colin and the Wednesday Night Game Group

A quick note about our outro credit.  Due to an error on my part, the credit is not correct.  The correct credit information can be found below.

The intro and outro music for this episode is “Black Vortex” by Kevin MacLeod and was sourced from and is licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0.

You can see details about this creative commons attribution by visiting:

One Shot: Legend of the Elements – Side B


This is Side B of a one shot game of Legend of the Elements by Max Hervieux.  The game is an Apocalypse World hack and is inspired by the Wuxia genre.  Specifically this game is inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra.  The characters are in possession of the ability to shape the elements and there are feelings (some good and some bad) between the different “clans” of elemental controllers.  In case you missed it, you can find Side A [link]here.[/link]

Kaetlyn and Alex allowed me to MC this game for them.  It was the first time for all of us playing Legend of the Elements.  We had a few rules slip-ups during play and it was Alex’s first time playing a game Powered by the Apocalypse ever.  He took to it really well and we all had a lot of fun with the Apocalypse World play style.

I hope that you enjoy the show!  Thank you for listening.  Remember to always have fun!

-Colin and the Wednesday Night Game Group

One Shot: Legend of the Elements – Side A


This is Side A of a one shot game of Legend of the Elements by Max Hervieux.  The game is an Apocalypse World hack and is inspired by the Wuxia genre.  This genre is characterized by protagonists who are typically warriors or scholars possessed of mystical powers and usually some romantic notions of the idealized person thrown in for dramatic reasons.  Specifically this game is inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra.  The characters are in possession of the ability to shape the elements and there are feelings (some good and some bad) between the different “clans” of elemental controllers.

Kaetlyn and Alex allowed me to MC this game for them.  It was the first time for all of us playing Legend of the Elements.  We had a few rules slip-ups during play and it was Alex’s first time playing a game Powered by the Apocalypse ever.  He took to it really well and we all had a lot of fun with the Apocalypse World play style.

You may notice that this is “Side A” of our recording.  This episode contains our initial rules discussion, character creation, and world building.  The adventure lies on Side B.  You’ll have to flip the cassette over to hear it next week.  😉

The reason for the split up episode?  Well, the recording is over five hours long if we aired it in one go.  I’m all about listening to lots of podcast all in one sitting, but five hours in one broadcast sure is a lot.  So we’re breaking it up into slightly more bite sized pieces for you to digest.  Odds are very good that if we end up with recordings that go longer than four hours in the future we’ll break those up to.  I’ll try to find a good place to break the episodes at roughly the halfway mark wherever possible.

I hope that you enjoy the show!  Thank you for listening.  Remember to always have fun!

-Colin and the Wednesday Night Game Group

Moving Forward…

It is with mixed feelings that we leave the Dresden Files Accelerated Edition Playtest behind.  I’m happy that it was so fun and that we got to start the podcast with something really awesome for you guys to listen to.  I’m sad that the play testing period is over and that we’ll have to wait for revisions, in the form of another beta or in the form of the full game, to come through before we can even think about continuing on with the crazy people in New Orleans.

This does mean of course that we’ll get to play something new, and that’s very exciting!  This is also good for my groups’ mental health.  The cast of Wednesday Night Game doesn’t like to dwell on games for that long.  Those epic DnD adventures that you hear some folk talking about that “last for years” are not what we like to do.  The longest campaign we’ve ever played was a 14 session long romp through Hogwarts in my homebrewed Cortex+ Drama/Action hack (the episodes have been lost to the terrible god of “Experience”).

Our tendency so far, as a group in general, is to play a few good sessions of a game (usually between 6 and 8), get to a place that pretty well wraps up the current “story arc,” and then we stop playing with the caveat that we might come back and play in that world again some day.  It works for us and lets us play the numerous different games that we’ve managed to collect throughout our engagement with the hobby.  It keeps us from stagnation as players, so we don’t get to feeling “stuck” in our characters, and lets us pass the GM ball around a bit (again to prevent stagnation).  Since we pretty much wrapped up our Red Court threat in Dresden (and because the playtesting period is over), we’ll be changing games to let me have some creative rest and to let that universe settle a little in our minds.  This will let us give another system some love and to explore new and fun characters!

Speaking of segues, I’ll be relinquishing the GM reigns to Matt!  This is always exciting to me because I love to play as much as I love to GM and Matt is awesome when he sits down to GM.  Matt is going to be running a continuation of a setting we’ve played in before: The Witchlands.  A little more on that in a second.

About next week’s episode; since the Witchlands game surely won’t be ready in time for me to post it next week, I’ve taken the liberty of securing a couple one shot games for you guys!  Courtesy of the Wednesday Night Game cast, we’ll be presenting you a single “first session” of Legend of the Elements by Max Hervieux for the next two week.  The session was pretty long and the first couple hours were character/setting creation.  I’ll be splitting up that play session into two episodes so it’s easier to digest.  If you are curious about what the game is like before you listen to the episode, you can check out the concluded kickstarter page.  I’m really excited to let you guys hear our Legend of the Elements game as it was very fun to play.

I’m excited about going back to the Witchlands with Matt and Kaetlyn.  Alex will be joining us this time as well!  He was not able to join us for our original tour of that blasted land, so he’ll be making a new character to join our adventuring party.  This game should be very fun to say the least.

That’s all for now!  Thank you for reading.  Remember to always have fun!


DFAE Playtest Concludes

That’s a wrap people!  We’ve squeezed in all the Dresden we can while Evil Hat had their playtest open.  It was a lot of fun these last 7 sessions and producing this podcast has been awesome so far!  Every time I look at our webpage stats and see how many people are listening to our show, it fills me with a new kind of energy that makes me want to make the show better and to provide you all with more content!  Thank you again for listening, we hope that you’ve enjoyed the playtest as much as we enjoyed playing it.  Stay tuned, we’ve got lots more to come!

A quick note for you guys, since it’s the first time we’re concluding a story and moving to something new, I’ve published [LINK]a page[/LINK] that contains the links to all the DFAE Playtest sessions on it.  I always want there to be an easier way to find the content I want to listen to when I get to a new podcast that’s got a huge backlog so I’m taking the time to organize my ‘casts content.

Dresden Files Accelerated Edition Playtest! Session 07


This is the seventh and final episode of our Dresden Files Accelerated Edition (DFAE) Playtest game! If you want a little more information about the characters and the situation you’re hearing about in this episode, please listen to the other DFAE Playtest recordings available on this blog.

I realize that we’ve had some audio issues with the DFAE recordings.  However, I’m proud to announce that we figured out what was causing the issue!  While this is not the last recording that we have where this was an issue, the WNG group has figured out what was causing those issues and we have made arrangements to make sure that we won’t face these recording quality issues so much in the future.  So, rest assured, we are aware there have been issues and we have been taking steps to clean up the audio for you fine listeners of ours!  Please enjoy and forgive us the quality trouble for just a little longer.

Please Note:

The game you are listening to is still in the playtest phase of development.  Any rules or mechanics discussion you hear from us is not likely to be the final version of the game.  We present this game to you purely for your entertainment and for exposure of the rules for the publishers and authors of the game.  You can visit the publishers at

I hope that you enjoy the show!  Thank you for listening.  Remember to always have fun!

-Colin and the Wednesday Night Game Group


Dresden Files Accelerated Edition Playtest! Session 06


This is the sixth episode of our Dresden Files Accelerated Edition (DFAE) Playtest game. If you want a little more information about the characters and the situation you’re hearing about in this episode, please listen to the other DFAE Playtest recordings available on this blog.

Please Note:

The game you are listening to is still in the playtest phase of development.  Any rules or mechanics discussion you hear from us is not likely to be the final version of the game.  We present this game to you purely for your entertainment and for exposure of the rules for the publishers and authors of the game.  You can visit the publishers at

I hope that you enjoy the show!  Thank you for listening.  Remember to always have fun!

-Colin and the Wednesday Night Game Group