Apocalypse World – Session 06: Side C


Please join the Wednesday Night Crew for side B of the Sixth session of our Apocalypse World series! Alex, Kaetlyn, Kolton, and Matt joined me to play in our very own apocalypse.  Please join Koo the Childthing, Kray the Faceless, Wolf the Gunlugger, and Cujo the Driver head back to adium.  Cujo does some bonding with Sin and gets a taste of how weird the world actually is here in cago.  We had a lot of fun with this one.

Please Enjoy!

Apocalypse World – Session 06: Side B


Please join the Wednesday Night Crew for side B of the Sixth session of our Apocalypse World series! Alex, Kaetlyn, Kolton, and Matt joined me to play in our very own apocalypse.  Please join Koo the Childthing, Kray the Faceless, Wolf the Gunlugger, and Cujo the Driver as they do some more development of their personal narratives and generally do some in character interactions that were pretty fun, before going back to adium to take control of it for Mill.

Enjoy the Show!

Apocalypse World – Session 06: Side A


Please join the Wednesday Night Crew for side A of the Sixth session of our Apocalypse World series! Alex, Kaetlyn, Kolton, and Matt joined me to play in our very own apocalypse.  Please join Koo the Childthing, Kray the Faceless, Wolf the Gunlugger, and Cujo the Driver as they go to the market in General Mill’s Complex.  There they try to buy some stuff, get things repaired, and open their brains for some mundane shit.  I hope you have as much fun listening as we had playing!

Enjoy the Show!

Blades in the Dark: Session 05 – Side C


Please join the Wednesday Night Crew for side B of our fifth session of Blades in the Dark! Blades in the Dark is a game of daring scoundrels pulling heists and jobs in the haunted streets of Doskvol.  Alex (playing Cobra, a Leech), Elspeth (playing Kittens, a Cutter), Kaetlyn (playing Smiles, a Whisper), Kolton (playing Raven, a Lurk), and Matt (playing Jotun, a Hound) played a Cult darkening the streets of Doskvol and trying to make a name for themselves, and their dark god The Reconciler.

This week Smiles performs a ritual and Scurlock came a-callin’ with an errand for the crew.  It’s a tall order to be sure, but the crew rises to the occasion.

Please enjoy the show!