The Burning Wheel Session 01 – Side B


Welcome to Side B of Burning Wheel!

First, let me say that I’m really happy we’ve been getting a lot of rules feedback from the community!  We’ve got a few episodes in backlog so, while appreciate, you may still hear the same rules errors so please bear with us on that front.

Second, all that feedback you’ve been giving us?  It’s the most feedback and engagement we’ve gotten for any series we’ve done so far!  Thanks for showing us your support by reaching out to us.

And last, we’re gonna go ahead and finish up that fight on the boat with the bird-things.

Please enjoy the show!

Masks Session 08 – Side B


Welcome to the second part of Session 8 of the Wednesday Night Game Masks actual play!  Follow Matt, Alex, Kaetlyn, and Kolton playing as Senpai, Dreadlock, Terraform, and Scarchain as they deal with Honnah’s new magical girl transformation as she tries to take out Dreadlock in retribution for his attack on Grandpa Senpai.  Then there’s some enlightening time spent with a certain trickster.

Please enjoy the show!

The Burning Wheel Session 01 – Side A


Welcome to Wednesday Night Game!  Our regular crew has graciously joined me to bring you the first part, of the first session, of The Burning Wheel!

Please join us as Alex, playing Folter the leprous torturer, Kaetlyn, playing Renova the pirate princess, Kolton, playing Straighten the shoe-less duelist, and Matt, playing Marius the plumber, set sail across the sea!  I acted as GM and thus mediated the chaos they sowed.  They’re on a mission to save a princess to gain favor with the nobility and also to deliver a letter to stay in favor with the pirate nobility!

Please enjoy the show!

Masks Session 08 – Side A


Welcome to the first part of Session 8 of the Wednesday Night Game Masks actual play!  Today we continue our adventures with Matt, Alex, Kaetlyn, and Kolton playing as Senpai, Dreadlock, Terraform, and Scarchain.  I returned to my role as GM.  We pick up with personal time for the characters dealing with some heavy shit… and some not so heavy shit on a case by case basis.

Please enjoy the show!

Issues with Podcatchers/iTunes

Hey Guys,

So, I know that there have been some issues with the website not feeding properly to the RSS, podcatchers, and iTunes.  This is fact.  It has been a long standing problem that I’ve been aware of and trying to fix.

This morning, I have made some updates to our website that should fix this problem! I’m not sure how fast they’ll implement, but it should correct the limited publishing issues we’ve been having!  I’m very excited by this because it means that you fine folks will finally have the listening experience you deserve and not have to fight the RSS to get the content you want to listen to.  Know that if the updates I’ve made don’t correct the issue, I’ll keep working on this until it’s fixed.

Thanks for bearing with us through the technical issues, and double-thanks to all of you who reported the issue so I could work out the kinks.

Be ready for next Wednesday when we drop the continuation of Masks and the first session of Burning Wheel!

Please enjoy, and thanks again!


The Burning Wheel – Character Creation – Session 00


Welcome to Wednesday Night Game!  Yes.  You read that title correctly viewers, it’s time for Wednesday Night Game’s presentation of The Burning Wheel!  This is the character creation portion of the recording session…

Wow.  That was a strong sense of deja vu…

Moving on from that creepy feeling.  This is the second half of our session 0 recording for The Burning Wheel and it’s where we really start to get into building the characters.  You do not need to listen to the setting creation part of our recording if you don’t want to, but it’s here in case you would!

Please enjoy the show!

I’d like to extend a special thanks to Kanobe from The Burning Wheel forums. They developed a character generator that we used to help out with the character burning process called Charred.  I found that this was a great resource for helping everyone do the (in my opinion, overly book-keep-y) character creation process for the game.  It was immensely helpful and it allowed us catch a few errors we were going to make along the way.


The Burning Wheel – Setting Creation – Session 00


Welcome to Wednesday Night Game!  Yes.  You read that title correctly viewers, it’s time for Wednesday Night Game’s presentation of The Burning Wheel!

This is the setting creation portion of the recording session.  We actually managed to fuck it up by playing A Spark in Fate Core for this portion of the recording, so please forgive us.  If you would prefer not to hear us fuck up the first part of Burning Wheel by playing something else, please feel free to jump to the Character Creation post, here.

Please enjoy the Show!

Yet Another Slight Change In Procedure


A slight change in the lineup is occurring since we had a vote for our next game.  We don’t want you guys to have to wait for us to finish publishing Masks to listen to our Burning Wheel game.  We also don’t want to put Masks on the shelf because a lot of people have been enjoying it.

So we’re doubling down!

Starting next week, you fine folks will get a massive injection of Wednesday Night Game content!  We’ll be delivering Side A of Masks Session 8 and Side A of The Burning Wheel Session 1!  We’ll hold this pattern of content delivery until we run out of Masks content (this will occur during the last part of Session 11, approximately 2 months down the road) and then we’ll swap over to just Burning Wheel.

This week I’m putting Masks on hold so that I can deliver to you the entirety of Session 0 of Burning Wheel. Part 1 is Setting Creation and part 2 is Character Creation.  You can hear both of those after 7:05pm EST tomorrow (the first part is dropping at 7, so you can listen to that one a few minutes early if you want).

Please enjoy the shows tomorrow and remember to have fun!


Masks Session 07 – Side B


Welcome to the second part of Session 7 of the Wednesday Night Game Masks actual play!  Today we continue on with our Senpai Returns episode with Matt, Alex, Kaetlyn, and Kolton continued playing as Senpai, Dreadlock, Terraform, and Scarchain.  I returned to my role as GM.  We pick back up with the gang trying to figure out if they’re going to be able to perform some very powerful magic and Terraform having a conversation in the back of the tea house with a new… friend?  We’ll have to find out what happens next!

Please enjoy the show!