The Phour Phandeleers – Session 08 – Side B

Hello Listeners!

This week is Session 08 Side B of The Phour Phandeleers, a continuation of our Lost Mines of Phandelver Campaign with some special tweaks. We’re using the Storm Kings Thunder adventure module from Wizards of the Coast with heavy modifications as our campaign framework and using is a slightly modified version of Realms of Terrinoth, a version of the Genesys Roleplaying System by Fantasy Flight Games.

In this series, you’ll hear Alex play Hal, a Firbolg Bard. Kaetlyn plays Uitzash, a Warlock in service to Dendar. Kolton plays Krask, a Lizardfolk Paladin. Matt plays Rwrarp (pronounced like the frog sound), a Grung Necromancer. And Colin was running this chaos… I mean game. All of the characters had been given 150 xp to spend which may have been roughly equivalent to a 2nd tier adventurer in D&D. Since this was a conversion, we were willing to be wrong about that.

This is our final episode.

Way back in February or March of 2020, we recorded this episode the week before the pandemic began and we stopped meeting up in person (for obvious reasons). We, like everyone else, figured we could “wait out” the Covid conditions so we started playing a pickup game online to tide us over.

Now it’s more than a year later, we’ve played a few games since that little pick-up we started in March 2020, we completely exhausted our backlog for the podcast, we’re still not sure when we can get back to recording the way we like to, and we’ve all sortof moved on from this game series in our hearts and minds. In spite of how hilarious and wonderful it was to play.

We discussed our options as a group and the Wednesday Night Crew has decided that we’re going to put the podcast on hiatus.

The delay until new episodes will last until we can get back on track with recording and develop a few episodes of backlog.

Thank you all so much for coming along on our hobby journey with us! It’s been a pretty awesome few years letting you guys have a peak into our gaming lives.

Without further adieu, here’s this week’s episode in which we finish up the second round of combat and the players end up getting back into the hot water right at the end of the session.

Please, enjoy the show!

The Phour Phandaleers – Session 01 – Side A

Hello Listeners!

This week is Session 01 Side A of The Phour Phandaleers, a continuation of our Lost Mines of Phandelver Campaign but with some tweaks. First, we’re using the Storm Kings Thunder adventure module from Wizards of the Coast with heavy modifications. Second, the game system we’re using is a slightly modified version of Realms of Terrinoth which is based on the Genesys Roleplaying System by Fantasy Flight Games.

In this episode, you’ll hear Alex play Hal, a Firbolg Bard. Kaetlyn play Uitzash, a Warlock in service to Dendar. Kolton plays Krask, a Lizardfolk Paladin. Matt plays a Rwrarp (pronounced like the frog sound), a Grung Necromancer. And Colin was running this chaos… I mean game. All characters had been given 150 xp to spend which may have been roughly equivalent to a 2nd tier adventurer in D&D. Since this was a conversion, we were willing to be wrong about that.

In this episode, you’ll hear us make a lot of jokes because the players are unfamiliar with the die system and they like to deflect their anxiety with humor. But you’ll also hear Colin try to force them to play the game which they do with enough grace.

Please enjoy the show!

A Call for Civil Liberty

Hello listeners,

Given the massive protests against police violence and systemic racism in the US, Wednesday Night Games has decided to hold this weeks episode in reserve.

Lots of companies are making donations to charities that help African American communities in these times but here at WNG we don’t have a steady stream of income to offer in support of the cause outside of what keeps us running in our day to day lives.

But we do have our Ko-Fi. So, anything that is donated to our Ko-Fi this week, we’ll turn around and donate to Black Lives Matter. Their message of full liberties for people of color and the end of white supremacy is one that we feel can best utilize our support in these times.

We also want to increase the awareness and support of local bailfunds for the areas where protests are ongoing nearly daily against police violence. These funds help to get civil protesters out of jail cells so they can keep doing their good work.

While we’re happy to pass along your donation, we don’t want you to have to use us as middlemen. If you’re unsure of where to donate, the links below will take you to some pretty good places to drop a few bucks for the cause against the systemic hate our congress people have allowed to go on for too long in the US.

Black Lives Matter:

National Bailfunds List – Just look for the state and city combination you’re hoping to donate to. If the state/city combo you’re looking for doesn’t currently have a listed bailfund, consider donating to one of the National funds:

Lost Mines of Phandelver – Session 12 Side A

Hello Listeners!

Before we get to the game stuff this week, just wanted to give a quick shout out, you’ll hear our verbal rendition in the recording as well, to JRazzzle who is the first person to donate to our Ko-Fi. Thanks again JRazzzle!

Now, on to the show.

We are back this week with Episode 24, Session 12, Side A of the Lost Mines of Phandelver series! Which is the beginners adventure presented in the Dungeons and Dragons Starter Set.

You’ll hear Alex play Hal, a level 3 Bard. Kaetlyn plays Uitzash, a level 3 Warlock in service to a dark patron. Kolton is playing Olo, a level 3 Tortle Barbarian. And Matt plays a level 3 Grung Wizard named Rwrarp (pronounced like a frog noise). Colin was DM’ing this game. We are using the Milestone leveling variant in this adventure.

The characters deliberate a little bit before deciding to make some final preparations in Phandalin and striking out to Cragmaw Keep! Lead by their goblin… Captive? Friend? Ally? … Let’s go with ally. Droop leads them towards where he remembers the castle is and we have a little bit of a travel montage on the way there. Then we make camp. Wait… did we accidentally go back to Torchbearer? What’s happening…

I know it’s a 1 ‘cuz I wasn’t upset by the time I was done editing the episode.

Please, enjoy the show!

Happy New Year!

Hey Listeners! Welcome to 2020!

We’re taking a small break while we bring in the new year, so no episode this week. The show will resume on January 8, 2020.

Take a moment to leave us a comment on this post or shoot us a message on Twitter @WedNightGame with your favorite moments from the podcast this year or just new year resolutions that you’re taking with you into the new decade.

Have fun, Listeners!
The Wednesday Night Crew

Week of November 24, 2019

Hey listeners!

This is your GM_Colin here letting you guys know that the podcast is taking a break this week while the Wednesday Night Crew spends some quality time with family during the holiday here in the U.S.

We’ll be back next Wednesday night with the continuation of Session 01 of The Lost Mines of Phandelver!

Until then, have fun!

New Series!

TLDR: It’s Torchbearer!

Hello listeners! Legends of the Five Rings has come to an end which means that we’ll be starting a new series next week!

The Wednesday Night Crew is excited to say that we’re gonna be presenting Torchbearer by Thor Olavsrud which was Matt’s pick in our rotation!

This game is similar to Mouse Guard, but a little more mechanically robust. Also similar to Burning Wheel, but a little less mechanically complex. We wanted to give it a try since it would give us a full view of the Burning Wheel system (except for Burning Empires, of course).

Content and tone wise, the game is a dungeon delver so it’s styled in the vain of old school Dungeons and Dragons games (right down to gaining XP for bringing back treasure instead of fighting monsters) or the Darkest Dungeon video game but without all the Lovecraft influences. Light and carrying capacity are emphasized mechanically in this game (which we’ll talk about in the episodes at length) and fighting monsters to the death is disincentivized (unusual for this type of game in the modern gaming landscape).

Colin ran the adventure from the back of the rulebook, Under the House of the Three Squires, and the players had an excellent time! Please come and join us next Monday for Character Creation where we sit around and talk about what kind of adventurers will undergo this perilous journey, and next Wednesday for Episode 1, Side A.

Legend of the Five Rings – Technical Difficulties

… And by “technical difficulties” we mean our recording of Session 10 was corrupted and lost.

You have no idea how disappointed we are to have to share this news with you all or how sad it made us to realize that this was the reality that we live in. Session 10 was basically the crown jewel of our L5R series for reasons that will be made clear later. In order to be able to bring you the rest of the story of the Samurai we’ve been talking about for some weeks, we’re looking for an alternative method than the original recording to bring that story to you! Both for the current timeline and the prologue!

But in order to do that we need to take a week off.

This will allow us to make the appropriate arrangements so that we can get you an episode that meets our desires as storytellers and your standards as our listeners. You will hear that story, even if it isn’t as we told it at the table the first time… you’ll get the story…

So thank you for your patience this week and be ready to join us next week for the continuation of L5R. Again, we are so sorry that this information is coming to you last minute like this, and that the news sucks so much.

Thank you, once again.

The Wednesday Night Crew

Issues with Podcatchers/iTunes

Hey Guys,

So, I know that there have been some issues with the website not feeding properly to the RSS, podcatchers, and iTunes.  This is fact.  It has been a long standing problem that I’ve been aware of and trying to fix.

This morning, I have made some updates to our website that should fix this problem! I’m not sure how fast they’ll implement, but it should correct the limited publishing issues we’ve been having!  I’m very excited by this because it means that you fine folks will finally have the listening experience you deserve and not have to fight the RSS to get the content you want to listen to.  Know that if the updates I’ve made don’t correct the issue, I’ll keep working on this until it’s fixed.

Thanks for bearing with us through the technical issues, and double-thanks to all of you who reported the issue so I could work out the kinks.

Be ready for next Wednesday when we drop the continuation of Masks and the first session of Burning Wheel!

Please enjoy, and thanks again!


Yet Another Slight Change In Procedure


A slight change in the lineup is occurring since we had a vote for our next game.  We don’t want you guys to have to wait for us to finish publishing Masks to listen to our Burning Wheel game.  We also don’t want to put Masks on the shelf because a lot of people have been enjoying it.

So we’re doubling down!

Starting next week, you fine folks will get a massive injection of Wednesday Night Game content!  We’ll be delivering Side A of Masks Session 8 and Side A of The Burning Wheel Session 1!  We’ll hold this pattern of content delivery until we run out of Masks content (this will occur during the last part of Session 11, approximately 2 months down the road) and then we’ll swap over to just Burning Wheel.

This week I’m putting Masks on hold so that I can deliver to you the entirety of Session 0 of Burning Wheel. Part 1 is Setting Creation and part 2 is Character Creation.  You can hear both of those after 7:05pm EST tomorrow (the first part is dropping at 7, so you can listen to that one a few minutes early if you want).

Please enjoy the shows tomorrow and remember to have fun!
