Torchbearer – Character Creation

Hello listeners! Welcome to the Character Creation recording for Wednesday Night Game’s Torchbearer series!  Alex, Kaetlyn, Kolton, and Matt joined this series as players and Colin acted as GM and helped facilitate this recording session.

Today, you’ll get to listen to this optional content where we discuss rules of the game, character development and creation, group backstory, and some world building and discussion about tone. Really very standard stuff for our Character Creation series of episodes. Also par for the course is that this episode is longer than our normal 45 minutes to an hour long and clocks in at very nearly 1 hour and 30 minutes. Colin comes into this thing strong with some good tone setting… but then succumbs to the groups general silliness as the show goes on longer.

You’ll specifically get to hear us start to get to some Seussian antics latter on in the session. You’ll see.

Also, you’ll hear us mention James D’Amato’s Ultimate RPG Character Backstory Guide in this episode. It’s full of fun prompts and activities to help you flesh out your character’s backstories for any level of play for fantasy adventure games, or for writing stories! James doesn’t have a special site or online shop for this book, so you’ll just have to buy it wherever you usually buy your gaming books!

And now, please, enjoy the show.

Legend of the Five Rings – Character Creation


Welcome to the first of recording session we had of our Fantasy Flight Games Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) series!  Alex, Kaetlyn, Kolton, and Matt joined this series as players and Colin acted as GM.

In this extended episode you’ll hear us decide what kind of game we wanted to play and then do the Game of 20 Questions.  We say “extended session,” but that doesn’t really do the two and a half hours of content justice.  You can feel free to skip this episode if you’d like as we’ll give a basic overview of this information in Session 01 Side A when it releases next Wednesday, but please feel free to enjoy our table chatter and character design process!


The Pun-O-Meter is at a 1 for today.  We were pretty focused on doing character creation and while we do crack a couple jokes and are obviously having a good time, there’s not much wordplay.

Please enjoy!

Epyllion – Session 01: Side A


This week Kaetlyn, Kolton, and Alex joined me to play some fun dragon adventures with Epyllion: A Dragon Epic by Marrisa Kelly!  The kickstarter, run by Magpie Games, fulfilled last year and the game is so much fun!  Join us as we played dragons in a dragon centric world!  Our young drakes left an impression that wouldn’t be soon forgotten by those stuffy older dragons!

Please enjoy the show!

The Christmas Special – 01


Welcome to Wednesday Night Game’s Christmas Special!  We go on a pulp action adventure into the world of Rankin and Bass claymation!  Join Alex, Kaetlyn, Kolton, and Matt as they take on the roles of some of the characters from the Classic Christmas specials from our young lives as they hunt down the Abominable Snow Monster of the North!

Happy Holidays to all of you out there who celebrate it with us!  Please, enjoy the show!

The Burning Wheel – Character Creation – Session 00


Welcome to Wednesday Night Game!  Yes.  You read that title correctly viewers, it’s time for Wednesday Night Game’s presentation of The Burning Wheel!  This is the character creation portion of the recording session…

Wow.  That was a strong sense of deja vu…

Moving on from that creepy feeling.  This is the second half of our session 0 recording for The Burning Wheel and it’s where we really start to get into building the characters.  You do not need to listen to the setting creation part of our recording if you don’t want to, but it’s here in case you would!

Please enjoy the show!

I’d like to extend a special thanks to Kanobe from The Burning Wheel forums. They developed a character generator that we used to help out with the character burning process called Charred.  I found that this was a great resource for helping everyone do the (in my opinion, overly book-keep-y) character creation process for the game.  It was immensely helpful and it allowed us catch a few errors we were going to make along the way.


Masks: Session 00 – Character Creation


Welcome to Wednesday Night Game! I’m proud to bring to you our first recording of Masks! For those who are not familiar, Masks is a game about young Superheroes. I could take the time to try to explain it in exhausting detail, or I could place a link to the official webpage!  Basically we’re playing heroes dealing with hero and teen problems all at once while the world tries to tell them what they should be. It’s great fun!

We’ve got Alex, Kaetlyn, Kolton, and Matt playing in this game and I, Colin, shall be the GM.  Give our character creation session a listen. I’ve split it up into two one hour and ten minute (average) sides to the session. Please enjoy at your leisure!

Side A

Side B


Mouse Guard Character Creation


This is our Mouse Guard Main Game’s Character Creation session!  Sorry about the delay in getting it to you fine folks.  We have Alex, Kaetlyn, Kolton, and myself playing and Matt acting as GM.  You’ve already met the characters, last week but here’s how we made them and some of the story about how they got to be the brave mice they are when the game starts.  The book says it can be accomplished in 22 easy steps.  Needless to say it was a pretty entertaining night for us.

We give a shout out to Fear the Boot on this episode for providing us with a group building questionnaire!

I hope that you enjoy the show!  Thank you for listening.  Remember to always have fun!

-Colin and the Wednesday Night Game Group

Side A

Side B

Side C

Dungeon World Disk 01


This is the first episode of our Dungeon World Side Game.  We played this one when Kolton couldn’t attend our Main Game.  So we have Matt, Alex, and Kaetlyn playing and myself acting as GM.  We do character creation on Side A of this Disk and then move on to the adventure in Side B.

I hope that you enjoy the show!  Thank you for listening.  Remember to always have fun!

-Colin and the Wednesday Night Game Group

Side A

Side B

Dresden Files Accelerated Edition Playtest – Session 0


This is the recording for our Dresden Files Accelerated Edition (DFAE) Playtest Character Creation session.  We spent a long time talking about the Dresden Files, looking at Mantles to know what kinds of characters were available, and a lot of discussion and confusion.

Fair warning, this is probably not a good episode to start with to see what our normal format looks like given that we don’t do a lot of straight up play in this episode.  It was still fun and I’m posting it so that you fine listeners can have the option to hear where our characters come from before we get to the actual Playtest, which you can find here!

Please Note:

The game you are listening to is still in the playtest phase of development.  Any rules or mechanics discussion you hear from us is not likely to be the final version of the game.  We present this game to you purely for your entertainment and for exposure of the rules for the publishers and authors of the game.  You can visit the publishers at

I hope that you enjoy the show!  Thank you for listening.  Remember to always have fun!

-Colin and the Wednesday Night Game Group